[CQ-Contest] Filters

Barry w2up at mindspring.com
Tue Jun 13 08:35:30 EDT 2006

I recall reading somewhere that an automatic tuner should never be used 
in front of bandpass filters and amps, too, as very high voltages can be 
generated as the tuner spins its wheels. 

FWIW, in 20 years, I once blew a cap in an ICE multiband bandpass 
filter.  ICE's customer service is fantastic and they sent out 
replacement parts immediately (as they recently did, too, for a 
telephone line surge suppressor that failed.)  I also have Array 
Solutions NQN filters about 5 years now and had one frying in it, early 
in its history - also fixed per guarantee.
Barry, W2UP

Mario, S56A wrote:
> W0UN: And at no time did any capacitors fail the 200 watt test -- or 
> even get very warm.
> I guess you were lucky!  I made W3NQN filters with a big VU mica caps 
> for 2 kV and they all failed on 7 MHz and above.
> Manufacturer sent us new batch for free but they are not tested yet.  
> DL2NBU specifies VAR power ratings required.
> Simple ICE filter configuration should survive most abuses but 21/28 
> MHz isolation is not good enough for SO2R.
> Please note that BPF info is available in ON4UN book on low bands.
> 73 de Mario, S56A
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