[CQ-Contest] WRTC2006 SCOREBOARD - RELEASE 55/06

Steve London n2icarrl at gmail.com
Wed Jun 28 08:39:06 EDT 2006

The scoreboard still displays correctly with Firefox after you hit "OK". 
I presume the warning just means that you'll have to do a refresh every 

The scoreboard is pretty slick looking !  However, I'm disappointed to 
see that I'm only in 29th place :) .

Steve, N2IC

>>WRTC 2006 - Score Board.
>>During the IARU Contest you will be able to follow the WRTC 2006 Contest
>>standings on Internet. Demo version is available from now and during the
>>Contest it will be live. You find the Score Board at www.hagasoft.com

> Wonderful!
> I've got this warning:
> -------------------------------
> I am so sorry.
> This WEB page has made with Microsoft development program.
> It supposrts only Microsoft Internet Explorer and
> Java for automatic update
> 73, Risto
> -------------------------------
> http://www.hagasoft.com/Mozilla.aspx
> Then... no Microsoft, no scoreboard.
> 73, Fede/LU4HKN.
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