[CQ-Contest] KVM Switch

rin JG1VGX jg1vgx at jarl.com
Sun Mar 12 17:55:42 EST 2006

If they are already networked and run Windows XP, you could also think 
about "remote desktop" feature. It's free.


As server, XP "Professional" is required.

73 rin JG1VGX

PaulKB8N at aol.com wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone had experience using a KVM (Keyboard, Video,  
> Mouse) switch with their ham computer.  I have a small home office  associated with 
> my shack, and it would be advantageous from a space standpoint  to 
> consolidate all my computer resources via one keyboard, monitor and  mouse.
> These switches allow you to hook up a keyboard, mouse and monitor to the  box 
> and then switch between up to four computers.  This really is  appealing, as 
> I have two desktops and two laptops in the shack.
> I'm concerned about RFI in both directions.  Has anyone used these and  had 
> any good or bad experiences?  I have a very nice KDS monitor that seems  to be 
> fairly quiet from an RF standpoint and I'd like to use the same keyboard  for 
> all my applications, as it will help with logging accuracy.
> I appreciate any inputs.  I am looking for these at a site call  
> Buyexytras.com, which I've found to be a good source of low-cost PC  peripherals.  (No, 
> I'm not associated with them in any way.)

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