[CQ-Contest] KVM Switch

W4ZW w4zw at comcast.net
Sun Mar 12 20:02:59 EST 2006


I use both Zonet KVM and I just recently added a Avocent KVM  because I
wanted DVI and USB switching with a common USB hub.  Both work well, but the
shortcoming in any KVM is in the cable.  The video cables that came with the
analog units have no chokes, and the video may get the jitters on transmit
unless you choke the video lines.  I used wired keyboard and wireless mouse
with the zonet, and sometimes (80M and 160M) would get a "KVM freeze" until
I put toroids on all the lines.  My station here is on the 3rd floor with
yagis above me, and legs of the 80M/160M OCF's maybe 45' away, so even with
common mode chokes on all the feed lines, I get some RF in the shack.  I
like the Avocent because it switches DVI and USB and any USB peripheral
plugged into the KVM hub is available to any of the selected systems.  I
routinely run 3-6 systems here;  a server, two workstations, the radio
computer and miscellaneous laptops.  The KVM's are great and are switched
from the central keyboard.  Never had any RFI from the KVM setup, but then
I've always used flat panel monitors, DELL FP2405, Samsung 170MP's, and SGI


Jon Hamlet,  W4ZW
Casey Key Island, Florida
"A little piece of paradise in the Gulf of Mexico"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com 
> [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of 
> PaulKB8N at aol.com
> Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 2:48 PM
> To: CQ-Contest at contesting.com
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] KVM Switch
> I was wondering if anyone had experience using a KVM (Keyboard, Video,
> Mouse) switch with their ham computer.  I have a small home 
> office  associated with my shack, and it would be 
> advantageous from a space standpoint  to consolidate all my 
> computer resources via one keyboard, monitor and  mouse.
> These switches allow you to hook up a keyboard, mouse and 
> monitor to the  box and then switch between up to four 
> computers.  This really is  appealing, as I have two desktops 
> and two laptops in the shack.
> I'm concerned about RFI in both directions.  Has anyone used 
> these and  had any good or bad experiences?  I have a very 
> nice KDS monitor that seems  to be fairly quiet from an RF 
> standpoint and I'd like to use the same keyboard  for all my 
> applications, as it will help with logging accuracy.
> I appreciate any inputs.  I am looking for these at a site 
> call Buyexytras.com, which I've found to be a good source of 
> low-cost PC  peripherals.  (No, I'm not associated with them 
> in any way.)
> Paul, K5AF
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