[CQ-Contest] More updates to PASS program - new multipliers

Jim Reisert AD1C jjreisert at alum.mit.edu
Fri May 5 15:35:52 EDT 2006

I have been working some more on my PASS program.  Sorry, nothing new to
download (yet).  It was a lot of work adding the muliplier stuff in, I had no
routines to parse the CTY.DAT file (but I do now).

Here is the output showing new multipliers, with some descriptions which I
added for this purposes of this message:

5T5SN         19-Feb-2005 01:34  1826 CW * unique
->            19-Feb-2005 01:38  3503 CW * unique

*** 5T5SN called in on 160, and we passed to 80.
    These were the only QSOs with 5T5 in the contest,
    so both are new, unique multipliers.

CT1IUA        19-Feb-2005 01:30  7018 CW * new
->            19-Feb-2005 01:33  3503 CW * new

*** CT1IUA calls in on 40, at the time this was a new mult.
    We passed to 80, which at the time was also a new mult.
    We worked CT again later in the contest on both bands,
    so these mults were new *at the time* but not unique
    in the contest.

DF0OW         20-Feb-2005 09:52 21000 CW
->            20-Feb-2005 09:55 14000 CW

*** This was a passed QSO, the multiplier was not new on either band.

EA6BH         20-Feb-2005 07:48  7014 CW
->            20-Feb-2005 07:49  3500 CW * new

*** EA6BH calls in on 40 meters, we had already worked EA6.
    But we pass to 80 meters which results in a new mult.
    80 meters works at least one more EA6, so it's not unique.

EA6NB         20-Feb-2005 23:27  3501 CW
->            20-Feb-2005 23:28  1826 CW * unique

*** EA6NB calls in on 20 meters, we had already worked EA6.
    But we pass to 160 meters which results in a new mult.
    160 did not work another EA6 in the contest, so this mult
    is unique.

H7A           19-Feb-2005 14:26 28007 CW * unique
->            19-Feb-2005 14:28 21001 CW * new

*** H7A calls in on 10 meters, for a new mult.  We never work
    another "YN" multiplier on 10, so this multiplier is unique.
    We pass H7A to 15 meters, where it is logged for a new mult.
    We later dupe the station on 15 meters, so it's not unique.

Here is the summary:

   4 passes resulted in a new unique multiplier
  17 passes resulted in a new multiplier that was worked again later
  73 passes written to KC1XX.PASS


A question for the group:

The results are printed in callsign order.  Would you prefer they be printed in
chronological order?

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
USA +978-251-9933, <jjreisert at alum.mit.edu>, http://www.ad1c.us

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