[CQ-Contest] RFSport.com 6-Meter Sprint CWAC

Radiosporting Fan radiosporting at yahoo.com
Sat May 6 13:47:17 EDT 2006

The latest news from RFSport.com ...
North American 6-meter Spring Sprint date:
2300z (Saturday)-0300z(Sunday) May 13-14, 2006

Full ETXA rules: http://www.etdxa.org


The Realtime Scoreboarding Logger is being released as
a freely available public BETA.  Everyone is invited
to get it and use it!  This beta may be downloaded
without being required to join the Logger e-mail list.

Remember that it is beta-code.  Be prepared "just in
case" with a 2nd choice for a logging system. 
Download it from http://www.RFSport.com

This version will "time bomb" on June 1 (it's a beta,
after all) and cease functioning as further refinement
is made.


CWAC, CWAC! -- Competition Within A Contest!

RFSport.com CWAC Certificates will be awarded for
anyone who "CWAC's the 6m Sprint" by using Logger. 
Certificates will be generated as follows:

Silver Level: Submit a score that is in the 70th
Percentile (is higher than 70% of the other

Gold Level: Submit a score that is in the 90th
Percentile (is higher than 90% of the other


RFSport.com CWAC Certificates for the North American
6-Meter Spring Sprint will be available for download
within 48 hours of the end of the sprint!


W2MMD, WZ1V, KB1EFB, WV2ZOW, W2DEX each have
certificates  from past-sprints waiting for them ...
ready to download.  Visit http://www.RFSport.com to do


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