[CQ-Contest] Need e-mail address for JA1FRQ

Rob Shapiro - ND3A robert_shapiro at cox.net
Sat May 27 21:48:24 EDT 2006

Dennis, instead of "ner", try "net".  I did a Google search and came up with
a bunch of hits for "asahi-net.or.jp".

73, Rob  ND3A

-----Original Message-----
From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Dennis Vernacchia
Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 8:12 PM
To: cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Need e-mail address for JA1FRQ

Sorry for this blanket post.

Today at HRO in San Diego, I met JA1FRQ, Hiro ( Hiroshi Kuroda )

He gave me a qsl card with his e-mail address but for some
reason it is bouncing

If anyone has a clue how to correct it, please let me know.

I invited him to our local radio club meeting coming up
and since he is a HF contestor and CW enthusiast,
I also offered to take him on a tour of the big gun stations
in San Diego area

Unfortunately the address on the card is bouncing
and I did not get his local phone number

Mail to following bounces

dn3h-krd at asahi-ner.or.jp

I questioned Hiro about the hyphens and he said they were correct
but I think that is where the problem lies

I also tried converting the hyphens to lower case and still bounces

dn3h_krd at asahi_ner.or.jp

any ideas from you computer gurus would be appreciated

I also tried

dn3h_krd at asahi.or.jp

73, Dennis N6KI

Now...back to the contest  as NX6T ( San Diego Contest Club ! )
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