[CQ-Contest] Toughest SS CW sections 2006

John Geiger johngeig at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 6 19:10:53 EST 2006

I was pretty limited in operating time, but did hear
both NM and WTX.  Didn't work either, though.  I was
suprised how easy VY1, KP4, KP2 and KH6 were to get,
along with ND, VT, and RI.

73s John W5TD

--- Tom Hammond <n0ss at earthlink.net> wrote:

> Hi Mike:
> >Just curious what the toughest section was for you
> this year.
> >
> >I was limited in my time but I was surprised that I
> did not work or hear NNY
> >or WTX stations.
> I missed AK, MB and YT... never ever HEARD the last
> tow, but heard 
> several AK stations but all were S&Ping (so to
> speak).
> I tried laying 'traps' for the AK stations, moving
> up above their 
> last QSO freq. and starting to call "CQ" in the hope
> that they'd 
> 'fall' into my trap. I finally had one KL7 fall into
> the trap, but 
> turned out that he was in OR!!!
> Though I didn't have any luck trapping a KL7, I did
> use that ploy to 
> work several other needed mults during the contest,
> so I DOES work... 
> sometimes.
> 73,
> Tom   N0SS /QRP  which didn't help mults calling ME!
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