[CQ-Contest] Calling Out Needed Sections - Soliciting Contacts?

Eric Hilding dx35 at hilding.com
Tue Nov 7 19:11:22 EST 2006

"Mr. Wardster", N0AX, wrote:

> Um, is it just me or does making a spot with "Please spot [pick what you
> need]" or "I need [xxx]" qualify as a solicitation of contacts?

>From the ARRL Contest General Rules at
3.10.The use of non-Amateur Radio means of communication (for example,
Internet or telephone) to solicit a contact (or contacts) during the contest
period is not permitted.
That includes U and M class stations in the Sweepstakes.

What if you are simply making a "statement" with no frequency involved vs. a brute solicitation 
to call you on the phone or send a needed mult to 14.xxx?

Isn't the use of packet as a "receiver" of information only actually a form of "solicitation by proxy" ???????

I seem to recall making one post in the rush of things that simply exclaimed "Need NL for #80!" or 
something like that, but no frequency listed.  Where does that leave me at this point?  Is that 100% 
absolutely positively grounds necessitating withdrawl of my log submission?  It seems a bit "fuzzy". 

My understanding of the rule meant I couldn't use Internet "email" to a buddy and ask him to call me on the phone if he
heard something I needed.  

Yes, methinks now that receiving packet spots is actually "solicitation by proxy" ... maybe ;-(

Tnx & 73...

Rick, K6VVA

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