[CQ-Contest] why Unlimited [aka Assisted]?

Mike Reagan mreagan at preciscom.net
Wed Nov 8 21:31:32 EST 2006

At my station we do a multi effort for the fun of operating as a group...we
all learn from every contest...everyone in our small group has a particular
reason I guess one op has no room at his QTH...another just likes the techie
build up the station parts and pieces type of work and some are new ops
learning from us old folks..and of course I get help maintaining a 4 tower
multi antenna station on my 18 acres antenna farm..any body from UDXA with
another opinion please feel free to comment...
 Mike NI7T
Price, Utah

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <kr2q at optonline.net>
To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 6:10 PM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] why Unlimited [aka Assisted]?

> Hi all (especially users of assistance: packet/internet/spotting
> So - I am looking at the SS results summary (thanks Dink) on 3830.  I note
that (currently)
> the number 1 slot for SO HP Unlimited has the same score as the number 10
slot for SO HP
> "not unlimited."
> This happens all the time in virtually every contest (DX and obviously
domestic also).
> So my question is, why do you top guns in the assisted/unlimited category
go for this
> category?  Honestly, most of you are top ops.  Statistically, using
assistance is hurting
> your score.  And you all have BIG scores (SS), so you must be driven to
> So...why do you choose to go Unlimited?
> Please feel free to reply direct.  I am just curious (and I sure won't
"argue" back)
> to learn what your motivation is.
> Thanks,
> Doug KR2Q
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