[CQ-Contest] intentional QRMing rare ones - SS SSB

Mark Beckwith n5ot at n5ot.com
Tue Nov 21 01:06:05 EST 2006

> while attempting to work VY1MB on 20m on Sunday in SS SSB,
> i had to work around another station who was 400 hertz down

Steve, I can appreciate your frustration, but I suggest there may be some 
other points of view.

You didn't say who was there first - I assume you probably tuned upon the 
scenario already in progress, and don't know who was there first.  It's 
possible the loud guy had been there for hours.  Especially since his rate 
was lower, meaning he had probably been working this SS for much longer than 
VY1MB was.

Another point might be that since he was working guys, he obviously wasn't 
thinking there was a problem.

Another point might be that SS CQ frequencies are somewhat hard to come by 
and it's pretty reasonable for someone who has been there for a long time 
working guys to not take it too kindly when asked to move "out of the blue."

Especially if he's working guys and the adjacent QRM is no big deal to him.

It is possible that the fact that he was adjacent to two "rare ones" at 
different times was coincidental.

Finally, he may have moved, not out of guilt or shame, but because your PITA 
coefficeint rose above his tolerance level.  Bear in mind I am not calling 
you a PITA here in public, I'm just saying that a serious contest op makes 
decisions based on how fast they work guys.  When something cuts into their 
rate, they take action to recover the rate loss.  IT became easier for him 
to QSY than to continue trying to help you understand.

Just some thoughts.  I have no idea who the guy was that you're talking 
about, but I just described most of the top operators above.

73 - Mark, N5OT 

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