[CQ-Contest] intentional QRMing rare ones - SS SSB

Steve London n2icarrl at gmail.com
Tue Nov 21 09:07:01 EST 2006

Mark Beckwith wrote:
>>while attempting to work VY1MB on 20m on Sunday in SS SSB,
>>i had to work around another station who was 400 hertz down
> Steve, I can appreciate your frustration, but I suggest there may be some 
> other points of view.
> You didn't say who was there first - I assume you probably tuned upon the 
> scenario already in progress, and don't know who was there first.  It's 
> possible the loud guy had been there for hours.  Especially since his rate 
> was lower, meaning he had probably been working this SS for much longer than 
> VY1MB was.

I agree with Mark. If the other station was there first, then the newly-arrived 
rare mult doesn't necessarily get priority use of the frequency. This happened 
to me numerous times in CQWW Phone. I would have a run going, then a DX station 
would open up 1.5 kHz away, then a bunch of east coast guys would start yelling 
at me for QRMing the DX !  Sorry guys, if I was clearly there first, and if the 
DX station isn't bothering me, and I am productively using the frequency, I'm 
not moving.

Steve, N2IC

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