[CQ-Contest] Mystery Signal on 1.833 +/-

Eric Hilding dx35 at hilding.com
Thu Nov 30 02:43:44 EST 2006

In case any 160m Contesters have wondered about the Mystery Signal on 1.833 
+/-  ... it's originating here in California.

Hopefully, it won't be around this weekend.

FYI & 73...

Rick, K6VVA

>Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2006 23:37:08 -0800
>To: nccc at contesting.com
>From: Eric Hilding <dx35 at hilding.com>
>Subject: RE: New Info on 160m Mystery Signal
>OK gang...it's almost 11:30PM and I just got off the phone with the FCC 
>Crisis Management Center (or something like that).  This irritated me 
>enough to hassle with 411 information and finally a Supervisor who got me 
>the phone number (nothing came up under Monitoring, Interference, 
>Complaint, etc.
>If this carrier continues through the 160m Contest this weekend, it 
>*could* end up being a "crisis" for someone!
>Initially, the person at the FCC said I would have to file a complaint 
>with Riley Hollingsworth, but I said "Riley isn't in right now and that 
>Mystery Carrier is on the air and WE need to find out where it is coming from."
>Fortunately, the gentlemen then asked what frequency, and proceeded to do 
>his thing with whatever whiz-bang gadgetry they have back there.  He said 
>he could hear the signal directly in Maryland, but then narrowed it down 
>strongest near Bakersfield.
>HOWEVER... "WE" kept at it and whatever "Magic Stuff" he had at his 
>disposal there took things closer to the Coast.  I commented that maybe it 
>was coming from a ship.  He kept doing his thing and fine-tuned things 
>down to approximately 20 miles either side of Cambria (interim location 
>was somewhere between Arroyo Grande and Monterey).
>He suggested that I contact Riley to open a case on this "Signal Of Interest".
>Curiously, I wonder if anyone down that way might be testing a new 160m 
>antenna (without properly identifying every 10 minutes).
>If any NCCCers is in the Cambria area with portable DF gear, perhaps the 
>mystery could be solved real quick.
>FYI & 73...
>RIck, K6VVA * The Locust
>P.S. Yes, the Mystery Carrier is still on at 11:36PM ;-(

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