[CQ-Contest] cqww rtty (and tqp) spotting report

Kenneth E. Harker kenharker at kenharker.com
Mon Oct 2 18:39:09 EDT 2006

On Mon, Oct 02, 2006 at 04:44:36PM -0500, Keith Dutson wrote:
> I am not one of the TxQP officials but have direct contact with the
> leadership.
> Setting a rule to outlaw self-spotting will surely result in an extra burden
> for the log checker(s).  

I don't understand how that could be at all.  The vast majority of TQP 
participants did not self-spot, and those that did seemed to use a different 
SSID on the cluster system than the call they were using on the air.  TQP 
is the only operating event I know of in North America that seems to 
tolerate self-spotting.  Even the "non-contest" Field Day doesn't allow 

I think self-spotting on the cluster network, emailing people during the 
contest to ask for a contact, or any other means of calling CQ on the 
Internet should be considered cheating and explicitly prohibited from all 
radio contests.  So far, all the major contest sponsors like the ARRL, CQ,
JARL, RSGB, etc. have held firm to this basic conviction, that radio
contesting should be about making contacts on the radio and not making 
contacts via the Internet.  It's a shame that the TQP doesn't want to 
hold itself to the same standard.

>                          Also, one can effectively self-spot by sending
> email to a third party.  Such action would be difficult to detect.
> Providing a new class for self-spotting is another possibility.  However,
> this means even more work for the log-checking function.
> 73, Keith NM5G
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com
> [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of George Fremin III
> Sent: Monday, October 02, 2006 12:41 PM
> To: cq-contest at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] cqww rtty (and tqp) spotting report
> On Fri, Sep 29, 2006 at 11:59:53PM -0000, David Robbins K1TTT wrote:
> > =================================================================
> > 
> > Cheerleader report:
> > 
> > How this works...  the number in the 'spots' column is how many spots 
> > the spotter made for that dx station.  the total column is how many 
> > spots the spotter made that weekend.  and the pct is what percentage 
> > of spots the spotter made were for only that one station.  so ki5dr 
> > made 105 spots over the weekend, and 104 of them were for k5na/m.
> > 
> > spotter	dx		Spots	total	Pct
> > KI5DR		K5NA/M	104	105	99.05  mobile in tqp
> > 
> > WOW! 104 spots in TQP by ki5dr for k5na/m!  that has to be a record of 
> > some kind!  Oh, and in case you were wondering, the 1 spot not for 
> > k5na was a typo where he spotted '142' on a frequency of 71000... then 
> > of course corrected it to be 14271 and the right call.
> KI5DR was one of the ops in the K5NA/M effort.
> http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/3830/2006-09/msg01066.html
> Apparently self spotting is allowed in the Texas QSO party - maybe even
> encouraged.  So this was not against the contest rules. I guess Scott could
> have even done those spots logged in as as K5NA and not broken the contest
> rules.  
> Had I know that self spotting was allowed I guess I would have made sure the
> op at my station was doing it and I can only guess that next year you will
> see *more* Texas QSO Party spots since the rules allow for it.  I keep
> thinking I will do this contest one year - I see now I will need to make
> sure I that I get the contest software that I use will spot my call and
> frequency every time I call CQ.
> Just to be clear - I think the TQP leadership should seriously reconsider
> allowing self spotting.
> -- 
> George Fremin III - K5TR
> geoiii at kkn.net
> http://www.kkn.net/~k5tr
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Kenneth E. Harker WM5R
kenharker at kenharker.com

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