[CQ-Contest] Real Time Scoreboards

Vladimir V. Sidorov vs_otw at rogers.com
Sat Oct 21 09:10:28 EDT 2006

Please kindly consider the 2 following ideas.

--- Would't it be better just to publish full contest results in 1-2 months 
after it's over? Virtually the interest to the online scores has come (IMO) 
because people is tired to see results of the contest only just before the 
NEXT YEAR'S one, when all emotions calmed down and all memories went 
Somehow RSGB has recently released (on a perfect way BTW) results of the 
IOTA contest which took place less than 3 months ago...

The CQ Contest Commitee does realize that basic (OK, claimed) results can be 
seen/traced even ONLINE nowaydays, during the contest itself. Then why the 
Commitee still needs 11 months to publish official results???
It's the 21st Century, gentlemen!

--- And another idea, never seen anywhere so far. Actually, its a kind of 
revolution, eventually, not more not less...

Why don't you consider the LOG CHECKING PROCESS traceable online?
I mean, with every log arriving to you, more and more logs will be checked 
vs. eachother and you publish the results online. Like, there are 5 logs 
arrived, they are cross-checked and the finner so far is XXX. Then there 
come 100 more logs, and the winner turns to be YYY at this stage...
I am pretty sure, people will watch your site non-stop or at least will jump 
into that very often. It will be such a show!... A real show. Nobody will 
need 3830 or online scores amymore (is it good or bad, I don't know), 
because the REAL show begins right after the contest...
It can be even made widely public, offered to TV or so to broadcast it every 
a few hours or days...

How about that?

Thanks and 73,

Vladimir VE3IAE - EU1SA


> Dear Fellow Contester,
> The CQ WW Contest Committee is discussing whether use of real-time
> contest scoreboards is likely to convey information about band
> openings and profitable tactics to an extent that participants using
> the scoreboards should be categorized as assisted. The 2006 CQ WW contest
> rules have already been published and they will govern the 2006 contests.
> We welcome your comments on this, and suggest the possibility of also
> sending the comments to the CQ-Contest reflector so that others can
> see them and possibly follow up.
> Comments can be sent to live at cqww.com
> 73
> Bob, K3EST
> CQ WW Director
> For the CQ WW Committee
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