[CQ-Contest] A New Perspective [was:WRTC Spot/Log Correlation]

Robert Naumann w5ov at w5ov.com
Wed Sep 6 21:04:43 EDT 2006

OK, so what you're saying is that instead of everyone closely following the
rules (hey, this is hypothetical), you want to do away with the rules, let
everyone do whatever they want, and then at some point in time, have them
submit a summary of what they did, and everyone could then evaluate what
everyone else did?

I am sorry, but I completely miss the point in such an endeavor.


Bob W5OV

-----Original Message-----
From: Radiosporting Fan [mailto:radiosporting at yahoo.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2006 7:58 AM
To: CQ-Contest at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] A New Perspective [was:WRTC Spot/Log Correlation]

> You ask (essentially): What if we realized that it's
> OK to not attempt to find order in chaos?
> Where is the chaos in a defined set of rules? I
> think you are trying to find chaos in non-chaos!

The term "chaos" - as I attempted to use it in the
original e-mail - is connected to observed contest
operation by human beings rather than contest rules.

By being willing to entertain such thought...many
exciting, new and previously unconsiderable outcomes
are possible.  

Sorry if I was poor at making that connection in the
original post.


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