[CQ-Contest] CQ-Contest] not top-10 box competitions & comparisons

Marijan Miletic s56a at bit.si
Mon Sep 11 05:07:53 EDT 2006

KR2Q: What exactlyl would be "important" for you non-top-ten types to view
in order 
to make a serious comparison?  I am looking for real input, not silly stuff.

Present PC technology enables easy digitalisation of S meter reading to be
included in real contest RST.
That way we would better support ITU wish to use many free HF frequencies
for propagation study.

Second simple scoring improvement would take into account QSO distance for
final scoring like on VHF.
That would level out AF/SA 2,99 QSO points unfair advantage while preserving
DX chase.

Just survived WAE SSB DX contest with only 20 m open. Plenty of splatters. 
If we would only use minimal power for QSO as ITU (and probably God)

73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU

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