[CQ-Contest] NAQP - Operating off the continent?

Kelly Jones kjones at virtualcohesion.com
Sat Aug 11 11:24:26 EDT 2007


I'm not a big time contester by any stretch of the imagination and
usually just lurk on this reflector.  However, I was in your shoes
several years ago.  Being a Dxer, I had always dreamed of being on the
"other end".

I had always played in contests, but had the opportunity to be part of a
team on VP5 in 2004 for CQWW SSB.  Of course the Dxer in me jumped on
the chance.  In fact, Kyle (below) was part of that team and we've
become good friends (and in fact are going back to PJ4 together this
year for CQWW).

Anyway, my wife has no interest in ham radio either.  But she knows it's
important to me and lets me do pretty much whatever I want.  I like to
take her to the islands when I go just so she can get out of the house.
Each year I go somewhere for CQWW, but we have been going to VP5 for the
past several years for the ARRL 10m contest.  As another reply
mentioned, you can work the contest during the day and spend time with
the XYL during the evenings.  She can do shopping, go to the beach, etc.
while you're playing radio during the day and then have the opportunity
to spend time together at night.  It works well.  In 2005 I placed #2
World and in 2006 I managed #3 World in my respective classes, despite
awful propagation.

Alternatively, you could be part of a M/x on an island and only schedule
yourself for limited operating hours.  That way you can participate in a
major, but not be tied down for the full 48 hours.  

Playing radio on the "other" end is a thrill.  There are certainly ways
to make it work for the both of you - keep chasing that dream.

Kelly - N0VD

-----Original Message-----
From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Kyle Chavis
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 8:55 PM
To: bob at reconstructinghistory.com; cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] NAQP - Operating off the continent?

Bermuda is about 700 miles off the coast of North Carolina and usually
has good propagation to the states so I thought it would be a excellent
location for NAQP. Being a 10 hour contest for single ops it's ideal for
that family vacation too. Conditions this trip were fair, 15 meters
closed early, nothing on 10, 40 and 20 meters the best bands with good
rates the first 6 hours 75, 105, 60, 87, 80, and 82. The low band summer
static and high swr turned into a chore. Managed to work 46 states, JA,
UA0, G, and other Europe using a Yaesu FT920 100w, monster g5rv, 40
dipole, A3 tribander. Don't know if it made sense but sure was a lot of
fun handing out the multiplier.

-----Original Message-----
From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of
bob at reconstructinghistory.com
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 9:40 PM
To: cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] NAQP - Operating off the continent?

So, now we've established that some of us like different things in our
Internet activities, let's talk about contesting. =D

I've this daydream of contest operating from an island somewhere.  It's
kind of scary to think about going off on a contest expedition for one
of the Big Ones, like CQWW or ARRL DX, or even WPX.  The other quite
important consideration is that my wife, who is not a radio amateur
(yet!), will of course be accompanying me.  In our discussions, she
hasn't seemed keen on the idea of not having me around for 48 hours
during what must amount to a vacation.  Hell, I'm not ready for that
kind of operating yet; I admire contesters who can do that, but I have
lots to learn before I get to that point.

So, thinking "baby steps", I wondered if it might not make sense to
operate NAQP from a NA DXCC entity.  I heard VP9I during CW last
weekend, but no other NA entity.  Does it even make sense to consider
operating from, say, ZF, VP9, 6Y, 8P or something?  

Thoughts, suggestions, and "shaddap, you punk kid" comments are warmly


Bob, NQ3X

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