[CQ-Contest] [RTTY] dupes

Ed Muns w0yk at msn.com
Mon Aug 27 11:13:56 EDT 2007

> > > This goes back to the
> > > question, what counts for less, working a dupe or having 
> a NIL?  I 
> > > agree, if I work you again, its because you're not in my 
> log, which 
> > > means either you work a dupe, or get a NIL.
> > 
> > Not necessarily true, Charlie.  The station could be in 
> your log and 
> > you still call again by mistake.  This could be because you don't 
> > notice it is a dupe, or your software is not configured to 
> tell you it 
> > is a dupe, you are tired and make a mistake, or any number 
> of reasons.  
> > The reason does not matter.  Your conclusion, though, is still the 
> > same ... the QSO should simply be completed at that point 
> rather than 
> > either one of you wasting time trying to stop it or sort it out.
> > 
> Sorry Ed, what I meant was that when I call a station, you're 
> not in my log.
> This has happened to me more then once.  I'll change from a 
> run once the rate drops, but obviously somewhere in the run 
> time, someone THOUGHT they worked me, but didn't.  I'll catch 
> them on a Run, call them and they send ME a B4.  I'll send, 
> you're not in my log, some will work, some wont.  Those that 
> work me get the qso, those that don't wont.  I give all 
> stations 1 shot at working me now, after that, you lose the 
> qso.  A qso with a 20 different callsign XE in CQWW last year 
> was great learning experience.  Needless to say, he got a NIL 
> for our 20M qso.

Oh, yes, I understood your example.  I was just pointing out that it is ALSO
possible for you to call a station when they ARE in your log.  But, their
response should still be the same ... just work it and move on.  You and I
are in violent agreement about that.

However, you are more generous than I am with your example above.  If I call
a station that is not in my log and I get a 'QSO B4' response, I typically
will quickly move on to find another station to work.  I won't even give
them ONE chance to reconsider.  Again, it is a simple matter of time.

Ed - W0YK

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