[CQ-Contest] re-newing the 10 meter contest

Paul T. Antos wb2abd at roadrunner.com
Sun Dec 9 20:53:52 EST 2007

>From  VO1HE....

< As an example, if I worked N2BJ before I worked you, my exchange to you
   would be "N7DF GN37 N2BJ".>

Gee, Paul, I dunno... if a fair percentage of the casual participants didn't read the rules carefully ( e.g.  US stations working US zones in CQWW for zero points ad nauseam ), I can see where the call signs in their logs are going to get screwed up. Not sure what I would send for QSO #1 either.

I had a whole bunch of stuff I was going to write but decided to delete it. I'm sure there'll be a passel of neat ideas forthcoming. Let's wait and see how the ARRL will go about changing this thing... ... ...     ...


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