[CQ-Contest] ARRL Contest Log Analyzers...

Robert Chudek k0rc at pclink.com
Sun Dec 9 22:21:31 EST 2007

I have posted an ARRL Contest Log Analyzer tool on my website at  http://chudek.aberon.net  Look in the "Files - Spreadsheets" album, then go into the "Contest Log Analyzers" folder. You will find 3 *.xls files:

ARRL 10m Contest
ARRL 160m Contest
ARRL Sweepstakes

The purpose of these tools is to import your Cabrillo log and extract statistics, similar to the SH5 tool. I created the first one to process Sweepstakes logs.

Each spreadsheet will accommodate TWO logs. You can compare this year with last year, or your log and someone else's log. I populated "Log 2" with some of my contest logs for comparison. You will find an "Instructions" worksheet that describes the log import procedure.

There's a couple of advanced formulas I still need to program, but overall the tools are 98% complete. I am looking for feedback. If there's a some statistic that "would be nice", tell me about it.

If you find a bug, please let me know.

73 de Bob - KØRC in MN

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