[CQ-Contest] Cheating....ad nauseum

Tony Rogozinski trogo at telegraphy.com
Wed Dec 12 23:28:40 EST 2007

"Yes, I want to win," he said, "but I want to win knowing that I have 
followed the rules, my rules. If I do not, there is no pleasure in winning, 
simply a trophy which I do not feel I deserve. You understand?"

It is absolutely beyond my comprehension why people feel it so important to 
win something
that they insist on cheating/breaking the rules.  WHY??????????????    For 
goodness sake
does it make one feel they've accomplished something????   But I guess we 
can ask the
same question of criminals and people in other sports not just amateur 
radio.  I for one
am frankly sick of all the discussion in this regard - it won't be stopped 
regardless of what
is done.  Those who wish to cheat will find a way - they'll spend much time 
and effort trying
to figure out how to do it - again, like criminals - instead of exerting the 
same amount of energy
improving their skills so that they can possibly compete and win legally. 
Let's go on to
some other topic PLEASE.

                       Tony Rogozinski
       Amateur Radio W4OI - W4AMR - HK1AR
         EX-N7BG, K5LMJ, K4KES, WA6BOU,
       W6JPC W7HZF, F7BK, VP5AR, VQ9AR,
          OJ0/N7BG, CN2BG, 5V7BG, TY5AR
          9G5AR, TU/N7BG, ZC4BG, HK3KAV
                  HK0/HK1AR, et al............

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