[CQ-Contest] Calling The Kettle Black - A Call to Action

Eric Rosenberg - W3DQ w3dq at arrl.net
Wed Dec 12 23:39:46 EST 2007


The recent posts by K1ZM, K3NA, K8MR and PY5EG highlight what has been 
missing from this discussion...a call to action.

It appears that the first step in any attempt to discredit the culture 
of cheating in amateur radio contesting and hopefully identify and 
control those who intentionally violate the rules, would be for contest 
sponsors to make all submitted logs available for public scrutiny 
shortly after the submission deadline.  Those wanting to investigate can 
do so as they please and reach the conclusions as they may.

To that end, a proposed call to action.

    Contest clubs worldwide write to the two largest contest sponsors,
    the ARRL and CQ Magazine, along with each and every member of the
    ARRL's Contest Advisory Committee and the CQWW Committee requesting
    that all logs submitted for their respective contests be made
    publicly available within a specified period of time (30 days?)
    after the log submission deadline.

Some additional thoughts/suggestions:

It is essential that this letter writing campaign be a worldwide 
effort.  As those intentionally violating the rules come from every 
corner of the globe, support for efforts to stop them must, too, come 
from all corners. 
The letters and email must be clear, concise and to the point.  Don't 
belabor the point, and don't forget the requested call to action.

Encourage any and all concerned contesters, big guns or little pistols, 
members of your or any other contesting club --or not -- to join this 
letter writing campaign.  While email is easy, physical letters have a 
unique and very significant impact on the recipient.

My fervent hope is that that this action by the worldwide amateur radio 
contesting community will finally stop the blind, wild and otherwise 
unsubstantiated accusations, and the vitriolic, personal attacks that, 
sadly, appear on this email reflector and in similar fora each each and 
every year.


Eric Rosenberg, W3DQ
Washington, DC

The following names and addresses come from the websites cited. If they 
are incorrect, please inform the owner of the respective websites.
from http://www.arrl.org/contests/cac.html

The ARRL Contest Advisory Committee, as of December 11th 2007

Atlantic Division :  Mike Gilmer, N2MG
4600 State Rt 26, Vernon, NY 13476-3706
n2mg at contesting.com

Central Division: Greg W. Clark, K9IG
1432 B Dakota Ridge Lane, Indianapolis, IN 46217
greg at k9ig.com

Dakota Division: Al Dewey, K0AD
14800 38th Pl, N, Plymouth, MN 55446 3341
aldewey at aol.com

Delta Division:  Ted Bryant, W4NZ
9217 Carbar Circle, Chattanooga, TN 37421-5306
w4nz at comcast.net

Great Lakes Division: Dave Pruett, K8CC
2727 Harris Road, Ypsilanti, MI 48198
k8cc at comcast.net

Hudson Division: Dr George Wilner, K2ONP
336 Bulson Road, Troy, NY 12180
k2onp at aol.com

Midwest Division: Jim Cochran, K0RH
3600 W 77 N, Valley Center, KS 67147-9045
k0rh at arrl.net

New England Division: Dick Green, WC1M
190 Lyme Road, Hanover, NH 03755-6602
wc1m at msn.com

Northwestern Division:  H. Ward Silver, N0AX, Chairman
P.O. Box 927, Vashon, WA 98070
n0ax at arrl.net

Pacific Division: Mike Gibson, KH6ND
Box 31193, Honolulu, HI 96820
kh6nd at hawaii.rr.com

Roanoke Division: Don Daso, K4ZA
189 Timber Creek Drive, Stanley, NC 28164
k4za at juno.com

Rocky Mountain Division: Robert Neece, K0KR
1505 Sunset Boulevard, Boulder, CO 80304-4231
rneece at bwsm.com

Southeastern Division: Charles Wooten, NF4A
POB 4183, Panama City, FL 32401
nf4a at knology.net

Southwestern Division: Bruce Horn, WA7BNM
4225 Farmdale Avenue, Studio City, CA 91604
bhorn at hornucopia.com

West Gulf Division: Joe Staples, W5ASP
10031 Meadow Lake, Houston, TX 77042
w5asp at earthlink.net

RAC: David Shipman, VE7CFD
1013 Sinclair Street, West Vancouver, BC V7V 3W1 CANADA
davidshipman at shaw.ca

Board Liaison: Bruce Frahm, K0BJ
1553 County Road T, Colby, KS 67701
k0bj at arrl.org

Staff Liaison: Sean Kutzko, KX9X
Contest Branch Manager
225 Main St., Newington, CT 06111
Email: kx9x at arrl.org

Administrative Liaison: Sharon Taratula
225 Main Street, Newington CT 06111
staratula at arrl.org

(from http://www.cq-amateur-radio.com/contact.html )

CQ Communications, Inc.
25 Newbridge Rd., Hicksville, New York 11801 USA

Dick Ross, K2MGA, Publisher (Please mark title line "Attn K2MGA"):  
k2mga at cq-amateur-radio.com

Richard S. Moseson, W2VU, Editor: w2vu at cq-amateur-radio.com
John Dorr, K1AR, Contributing Editor, Contesting:  k1ar at cq-amateur-radio.com

Bob Cox, K3EST,  World Wide DX Contest Director :  
k3est at cq-amateur-radio.com
John Lindholm, W1XX VHF Contest Director:  w1xx at cq-amateur-radio.com
Steve Merchant, K6AW, WPX Contest Director:  k6aw at cq-amateur-radio.com
Glenn Vinson, W6OTC, RTTY Contest Director:  w6otc at cq-amateur-radio.com
David Thompson, K4JRB, 160 Meter Contest Director:  
k4jrb at cq-amateur-radio.com

(from http://www.cqww.com/members.html )

CQWW Committee Members:
John Dorr, K1AR: k1ar at contesting.com
Doug Grant, K1DG: k1dg at contesting.com
Gene Walsh, N2AA: eugenewalsh at msn.com
John Golomb, N2NC: n2nc at optonline.net
Doug Zwiebel, KR2Q: dougzzz at gmail.com
Ed Moody, N3ED: emoody at EPIX.NET
Fred Laun, K3ZO: aalaun at IBM.NET
Dave Pascoe, KM3T: km3t at cqww.com
Gene Zimmerman, W3ZZ: ezimmerm at EROLS.COM
Trey Garlough, N5KO: trey at KKN.NET
Bob Naumann, W5OV: w5ov at w5ov.com
Richard Norton, N6AA: n6aa at arrl.net   
Glenn Rattmann, K6NA: rattmann at CTS.COM
Larry Tyree, N6TR/7: n6tr at contesting.com
Larry Weaver, N6TW: n6tw at n6tw.org
Steve Bolia, N8BJQ: sbolia at woh.rr.com
Patrick Barkey, N9RV: pbarkey at GW.BSU.EDU
John Brosnahan, W0UN: broz at csn.com

DX Advisors:
Jose Carlos Cardoso Nunes, CT1BOH: ct1boh at gmail.com    
Bernhard Buettner, DL6RAI: ben at dl6rai.muc.de
Sergio Manrique Almeida, EA3DU:    ea3du at cqww.com
Jacques Saget, F6BEE: f6bee at free.fr
Roger Western, G3SXW: g3sxw at btinternet.com
Tony Waltham, G4UAV/HS0: tonyw at inet.co.th
Paolo Cortese, I2UIY: i2uiy at contesting.com
Tack Kumagai, JE1CKA: je1cka at cqww.com
Martti Laine, OH2BH: martti.laine at nmp.nokia.com
Jorma Saloranta, OH2KI: jorma at salor.pp.fi
Ville Hiilesmaa, OH2MM: oh2mm at nettilinja.fi
Atilano de Oms Sobrinho, PY5EG: py5eg at inepar.com.br
Tine Brajnik, S50A: Tine.Brajnik at guest.arnes.si
Willy Umanets, UA9BA: uradio at chel.surnet.ru
John Sluymer, VE3EJ: jsluymer at mountaincable.net
Gary Caldwell, VA7RR: va7rr at telus.net

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