[CQ-Contest] Simple solution to address CQ WW CW problems

Zack Widup w9sz at prairienet.org
Thu Dec 13 23:48:59 EST 2007

You're talking a whole different ball of wax there.  I usually participate 
as a QRP-portable in the VHF contests.  There is no such thing as a 
QRP-portable entry in most HF contests.

I manage to cram equipment and antennas for 10 bands into a Toyota 
Corolla, plus tables, chairs, lanterns, food, etc.  I can't fit the world 
into that tiny car so I log on paper (no computer, which produces excess 
drain on the batteries anyway).

I could record the contest but sometimes I'm sitting there for a half hour 
or more between QSO's when the bands are really dead.  That should make 
for lively listening! Well, maybe the passing tractors, birds and the 
occasional wild animal fight nearby might liven things up.  :-)

I'm sure Rovers run into the same thing. Lots of engine noise to listen 

73, Zack W9SZ

On Thu, 13 Dec 2007, David Robbins K1TTT wrote:

> Mid June sometimes I turn on 6m and find a contest going on, so I pass out a
> few points.  Then it starts to rain and I stay on and play some on 2m and
> 70cm.  I send a log in and get a certificate.  I didn't mean to, but I
> accidentally became a 'serious' entrant.  Should I be denied a certificate
> because I didn't record the whole contest?  I probably wouldn't even have
> sent in a log except I fired up the logging computer just to have packet,
> but that's a whole different thread.
> David Robbins K1TTT

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