[CQ-Contest] recording contests

N7DF n7df at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 14 10:41:19 EST 2007

I have recorded many of my contest operations using a VCR.  I put the station clock on the video and the contest operation on the audio track. (I simply focus a video camera on the clock) That lets me locate specific contacts rapidly.  The most beneficial use I have made of these recordings has been to review any busted or unique calls that are reported in the contest summary.  It is very interesting to see how I goofed up.  Also I have found some cases where I was right in my log and the summary was wrong.  In several cases the other station sent their call wrong and what they sent was what I entered on the log. 
  Maybe the contest logging programmers can add real time audio recording to their programs.  With the giga byte RAM capabilities and DVD recording capabilities of current computers it shouldn't be a difficult task.  A video track with the station clock time would be really nice, too.
  This brings up another question: Would it be allowable to use the recording to review and check a contact DURING THE CONTEST PERIOD?  Either right after the contact or during times when the bands are dead or really slow.  I think that everyone agrees that using it to correct the log after the contest is over or during off hours in timed contests would not be ethical.  Or would it?
  BTW I still use an old 286 computer that I picked up at Goodwill for $15 for logging with an early version of CT running in DOS mode!

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