[CQ-Contest] Cheating / contest recording / packet / SO2R et.al - Youth Perspective

tornadochaser215 at comcast.net tornadochaser215 at comcast.net
Thu Dec 20 21:31:44 EST 2007

I haven’t seen a young person’s (age 19) perspective on these issues and we’re snowed in at the ski resort so here goes. Small disclaimer: I haven’t talked in length with any other hams in my cohort so I’m just speaking for myself.

Cheating will always be around. I don’t think anyone will dispute that. There’s no real permanent solution to stopping it without cutting contests altogether; I’m definitely not in favour of that. I’ve seen cheating throughout my life in early school and even now in college (surprise, anyone?). Unfortunately there are people that want to take the easy road, even in such a rewarding hobby as amateur radio. I’ve read some good solutions to prevent cheating (online logs, eg) and sincerely hope the contest sponsors will look into putting the necessary plans into action.

Contest recording. Really the only thing I have to say about that is if you will buy me enough memory for my laptop and set it up, I’ll do it. Otherwise, I will record the contests I feel I’d get the best learning experience from. The recording may be painful to listen to, but it will be there. While at G6PZ for CQWW SSB this year, we attempted to record the run station’s audio, and failed. I was told that some of the 1000MP’s don’t record the outgoing audio and some do. Can this be fixed? Probably; but not 10 minutes into the contest. However, I do believe this will be a hindrance to the ‘part-time’ contesting group. As others have said, “What happens if I by chance place well in a contest but forget to push the ‘record’ button?” Guess I’m SOL.

Now for packet. Growing up in an age of the internet, I have a strong “bond” (if you like) with it. I’ve heard a few people say that packet doesn’t exhibit your complete skills; cool. Personally, if a contest allows packet and I’m not planning to do it too seriously, I’ll probably use it 70% of the time simply because I’ve grown accustomed to having it around. This is also mainly because I’ve got email, AIM, Facebook, etc also running during contests so the internet is already accessible. Most of the time, I just like to have a laugh at the busted spots or crazy announce messages that come across during contests. This subject may simply be a matter of your generational stake so I won’t go any further.

SO2R, etc. I have A LOT of respect for those of you that have mastered or can do SO2R. I’m still trying to master one radio, especially on CW. However, I don’t believe there should be a separate category; instead, as we see on the 3830 reflector, just another line. I’ve made due without having two radios for the last 5 years I’ve been a semi-serious contester and have put some pretty decent scores out. If you don’t have the ability to do something, figure out another way! I’ve found that just switching the VFO’s to pick up a new mult or a few more QSO’s can really increase your score. I’ve also found that many big station owners are willing to take in non-SO2R’ers or SO2R’ers alike for multi-ops. Just recently I picked up another FT-920 and a DX Doubler to start my career in SO2R, so if you hear me fumbling through you’ll know why. SO2R (like packet) is a nice addition to contesting in this era of internet, cell phones, etc and can really prove the high level of cognition humans ar
e capable of. 

These are just my quick thoughts on these issues. From my tiny perspective, I hope you can better understand where I’m coming from and what many teenagers in this extremely technological day and age are thinking.

Happy Holidays Y’all.

Colin KU5B

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