[CQ-Contest] contesting 10 years from now

Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Thu Feb 1 06:35:50 EST 2007

At the risk of being labeled humor-impaired, I'm going to assume that Tonno was asking the question seriously.

With a ten-year time-horizon, I predict:

--  There will be a much broader acceptance and use of real-time scoreboards.

--  There will be a continued evolution of use of various sources of real-time outside information (spotting), and databases by logging software.  Attempts will be made by contest rule-makers to define the acceptable limits of computer assistance to "unassisted" operators, particularly regarding real-time deciphering of CW and voice signals.

--  Some contests, at least, will institute an "anything goes" category with respect to computer assistance and external data.

--  Most contest sponsors will shorten submission time for logs dramatically, with exceptions for paper logs.

--  The two major sponsors of radio contests and awards (if there are still two by then) will integrate contest logging and award credit so that LOTW-like award credit will be available 9for a fee) immediately after log checking.

--  Contests offering enhancements of this sort will institute modest entry fees for serious contenders to help fund capital improvements.

Actually, looking at my list, that's more like what I think *should* happen.  We'll probably still be arguing over cut numbers.

73, Pete N4ZR
Ham radio since 1954, contester since 1956

   At 11:46 AM 1/31/2007, Tonno Vahk wrote:
>I have been asked to deliver presentation on the top notch contesting 
>technology today and what might it look like 10 years from now.
>Would you people with vision provide some ideas to me as to what do you 
>think the biggest changes/transformations are in top level contesting within 
>the next ten years?
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