[CQ-Contest] Get me the bandplan cops - RTTY on the low end of 40!

K6VVA dx35 at hilding.com
Sun Feb 11 21:28:47 EST 2007

Ty, K3MM, wrote:

 > You CW Sprint guys are bouncing all over the band with your silly QSY 
rule that is
 > designed to disrupt every net and rag chew for 50 kc!  What about 
THAT!?!? Huh?!?

The AWESOME QSY rule was not designed for any disruptive or evil 
purposes.  In fact, the rule has several Virtues:

1. Big Guns can't hog a single frequency for the duration of a Contest.

2. Little Pistol Contest Station operators & those choosing "LP" have a 
uniquely levelized playing field in which to maneuver.

3. The operating "challenges" of the AWESOME QSY rule helps improve Contest 
operating skills in general.

The best and quickest way to resolve this new CW/RTTY pee'ing "off-air" 
Contest is to make some date changes.

73 & Enjoy Contesting Fun Always...

Rick, K6VVA

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