[CQ-Contest] Get me the bandplan cops - RTTY on the low end of 40!

Marijan Miletic', S56A s56a at bit.si
Mon Feb 12 05:04:25 EST 2007

W4PA: On the other hand as soon as the CW Sprint started, the RTTY guys 
seemed to magically vanish from below 7030.  See, we can share!

I remember early days of Usenet forums and my ecological argument about 
sticking to hamradio bandplans.  I was rebuffed with a simple explanation 
that radio frequencies are not preserved if they are not used.  We might 
lose some bands due to low activity but not because of modes mixup.


Position:  I worked few RTTY QSO on 14140 and 7028 kHz this busy WPX 

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