[CQ-Contest] did you work/hear me in the cw sprint?

kr2q at optonline.net kr2q at optonline.net
Mon Feb 12 08:04:15 EST 2007

Hi all:

I received an audio file for one my QSO's in the sprint.  I liked that....I sounded "loud."  

Do YOU have our QSO (or did you hear me CQing or working someone else) recorded 
and if so, can you send me the snippet from your file?

My log is already submitted, so I won't be changing anything in my log (not that I 
would ever do that anyway).  If you like you can wait until after the log submission 
deadline (this Friday).  My score appears to be a SOLID dead last too.  :-)

I was surprised to hear how "loud" my qrp signal sounded at the other end....I was 
wondering what it sounded like for others (from their end).

de Doug KR2Q

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