[CQ-Contest] Get me the bandplan cops - RTTY on the low end of 40!

Zack Widup w9sz at prairienet.org
Mon Feb 12 09:36:35 EST 2007

Well, we have no choice but to get the band expanded down to 6900.  And 
that's going to upset the pirate radio people who operate in the 6925-6975 
range!  :-)

73, Zack W9SZ

On Sun, 11 Feb 2007, Tyler Stewart wrote:

>  I guess I don't count.  I was around 7028 almost all last night!  You CW
> Sprint guys are bouncing all over the band with your silly QSY rule that is
> designed to disrupt every net and rag chew for 50 kc!  What about THAT!?!?
> Huh?!?
> BTW the RTTY JA window is 7025 to 7030 and they were definitely working from
> EU last night during the Sprint hours.
> 73 Ty K3MM - RTTY RAT

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