[CQ-Contest] Get me the bandplan cops - RTTY on the low end of 40!

Tyler Stewart k3mm at verizon.net
Sun Feb 11 18:55:33 EST 2007

 I guess I don't count.  I was around 7028 almost all last night!  You CW
Sprint guys are bouncing all over the band with your silly QSY rule that is
designed to disrupt every net and rag chew for 50 kc!  What about THAT!?!?

BTW the RTTY JA window is 7025 to 7030 and they were definitely working from
EU last night during the Sprint hours.


-----Original Message-----
From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Scott Robbins
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 9:58 AM
To: cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Get me the bandplan cops - RTTY on the low end of 40!

QRZ Region 1 bandplan cops!

Chime in and tell the RTTY contesters to keep digital modes above 7035 where
they belong.  Tell them how their violating the bandplan has ruined the
weekend for CW operators worldwide and how it's selfish they dare do
like that.  I sat down last night to operate a little CW and was shocked --
horrifed -- to hear that the entire band was in use.  Where'm I gonna do my
'ol North American CW Sprint in all that QRM?  I could feel tears welling

Come on - I'm waiting.  You're falling down on the job if you won't tolerate
WW SSB to operate on the low end of 40 but it's OK for RTTY to be all the
down to 7014 like I heard last night.  Tell 'em.  Tell 'em it's bad for ham
radio to have the whole damn band in use.  What were they thinking ??!??!  

On the other hand as soon as the CW Sprint started, the RTTY guys seemed to
magically vanish from below 7030.  See, we can share!


Scott W4PA

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