[CQ-Contest] CQ-Contest Digest, Vol 50, Issue 33

Eric Rosenberg wd3q at starpower.net
Mon Feb 19 21:51:31 EST 2007

Being semi-rare, especially in a CW contest, I'm usually spotted a lot.

Not this year. 4x and that's all. And nothing appeared to happened as a 

... oh well!

See you in the next one,

Eric W3DQ
Washington, DC
>> -------------------------------------------------------------
>> Jimk8mr at aol.com wrote:
>>> Two stories from my chair time at K8AZ in the ARRL CW test this  
>>> weekend.
>>> 1.  I can't say there is any connection, but early Sunday on 15  
>>> meters I heard a weak but copyable OE4A CQing away.  Several  calls 
>>> got a "?" and one even
>>> a "K?" but no qso.  So I spotted him  anyway.  Maybe a minute later, 
>>> I called him again and he came right  back.  Hmmmmm????
>>> 73   -   Jim    K8MR

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