[CQ-Contest] Russian DX contest

Franki ON5ZO on5zo at telenet.be
Thu Feb 22 07:38:05 EST 2007

> Since the next WRTC is being hosted in Russia, I wonder if scores in the
> RDXC will be used in the results-based selection criteria?  That would be 
> a
> good reason to operate.
> Randy, K5ZD

Quote from http://www.rdxc.org/results/2006/report.asp:

In 2010 Russia will host the most remarkable amateur radio event - HF World 
Radio Team Championship, WRTC 2010. As many of you may guess, such a famous 
contest as RDXC will be included into the list of contests, participants' 
selection will be made from. Therefore we hope, RDXC 2007 will get further 
activity shot, especially from potential WRTC countries-participants. We are 
sure, they will not be sorry to participate in RDXC.

73 de Franki ON5ZO 

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