[CQ-Contest] Annual Suggestion

Jukka Klemola jukka.klemola at elisanet.fi
Sat Feb 24 11:14:45 EST 2007

>Randy Thompson:
>My suggestion:
>- Create 12 hour and 24 hour races
>- The 12 or 24 hours consist of a continuous period beginning with your
>first QSO (i.e., the clock starts with your first QSO)
>- There are no off times
>- You can operate the contest as much as you want.  Your score is
>by the log checker based on the first 12 and 24 hour marks
>- No preregistration or special marking of your log.  ALL LOGS are
>in the scoring/results
>- Easy to administer
>- Everyone can play
>- A guy trying for a 12/24 hour win still has to compete with the full
>- Entrants may chose to stop operating when they reach their time
limit, >but they are not required to do so

>- Extra log checker burden
>- Extra page or two of results
>- Requires change of thinking (apparently difficult for many of us!)
>This would also make a simple contest within a contest to run if the
>contest sponsor was not interested.
>Look forward to discussion on a "new" idea.
>Randy, K5ZD

Allright !
Many good points.
I agree on most of them without a question, to nearly all others I can
relate to.

There was only one pointer I really would like to review/discuss:
I wonder about the second disadvantage named extra page or two of
Randy probably means there would be more people participating the

Somehow I tend to think that would be an advantage.

I think IOTA has adopted this to the extreme.
It is a very nice jun-jul-aug season contest, and I personally enjoy the
flexible 12 hour category over 24 hour must-sit-on-my-chair-sweat-tired

It seems all ideas presented here have been pretty much adopted by
different contests.
Many people have thought about these ideas/features, but no-one has been
able to present them all in a focused way.
This reflector certainly helps pulling all features together.

The contest being agile enough to implement the winning set of the
features, will win the contest of the contests.

..yep - I am not on top band SSB today.
I will go to my station tomorrow.
4 to 6 hours of sitting starting in the afternoon after some refreshing
chainsaw-axe-timber work.

Jukka OH6Li

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