[CQ-Contest] SW Division Regional Author Needed for ARRL DX Phone

Ward Silver hwardsil at gmail.com
Mon Feb 26 14:01:27 EST 2007

Hi folks,

I am looking for a contester that would be willing to look over the results 
from ARRL Southwestern Division contesters and summarize the division 
results.  It's not a particularly difficult job, but it lends a tremendous 
amount of local flavor to the writeup.  For more information about what's 
required, look at 
http://www.arrl.org/members-only/contests/results/2006/dxphone/ (you'll need 
to be an ARRL member to see this page) and click on "Division Writeups" at 
the right-hand side of the page. You can keep it short and simple or make it 
as complex as you like - your fellow contesters will appreciate it.

Please drop me a note if you are interested.

73, Ward N0AX 

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