[CQ-Contest] PJ2T CQWW CW Photos on Web

Geoff Howard ghoward at kent.edu
Tue Jan 2 22:04:51 EST 2007


You might enjoy seeing our photos from this contest. Click on the link 
below. (Put it back together into a single link if it was broken in two by 
your E-mail client program.)


We did this contest with our Europe monobanders mainly on the ground in 
maintenance, as you'll see from the photos. This was an unavoidable 
maintenance requirement, as we had one broken boom and others soon to 
follow from salt corrosion problems.

Congrats to the PJ4A crew for a completely awesome score and a 
well-deserved win!

Thanks again for all of your QSOs with PJ2T! See you in the RTTY Roundup, 
CQWW 160 CW, the ARRL contests, and both WPXes.


             - Geoff, W0CG, PJ2DX

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