[CQ-Contest] Contest Radios
Tom Taormina
tom at k5rc.cc
Fri Jul 6 12:18:02 EDT 2007
I did not mean to minimize the capabilities of the K3, but almost any
contester can sit down in front of an MP (or 2000) and not have a
long learning curve. In the 70's, I had S-Lines and Drake C Lines
that had similar attributes of operator familiarity. As you say,
Doug, in a few years most contesters may be K3 addicts, in which case
we will fulfill marketing guru's dreams by continually buying new
radios. I will have to hold out, however, until the radio is called
a K5 or K7. 8-)
>Hi Tom (et al),
>If you have a lot of guest ops, maybe you made a reasonable choice,
>although I do note
>that there are still lots of "knobs" to find, remember where they
>are, and use on the 2000.
>For most single (non-guest) ops, the vast majority of functions are
>present on the front
>panel of the K3; I mean, how often will one adjust the sidetone
>pitch or the cw rise time
>(which are on menus)?
>Once you start contesting, it's all right there for you (K3) and not
>via a menu. I think that if
>one wants to twiddle too many dials during a contest, well, maybe
>they are more into DXing
>than winning a contest. LOL (monoband entries possibly exempted,
>esp low bands).
>If you measure your logic again in, say, 3 years, the results may
>change because by then, I
>suspect that most contesters will be using the K3 (ie, no learning
>curve cuz it's already the
>radio they know).
>How's that for a bold prediction?
>de Doug KR2Q
Tom Taormina, K5RC
Virginia City Nevada USA
Home of NACHO - W7RN and RANN - K7RC
Web Site: http://k5rc.cc/ FOC 1760
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