[CQ-Contest] Why Is it...

Art Boyars art.boyars at verizon.net
Tue Jul 10 11:22:19 EDT 2007

K0XP wonders why:

"........  that over a whole weekend of a contest, we lil whipperschnappers can't seem to achieve a rate over 40 Qs/hour; yet, during an ordinary weeknight (during a sunspot min yet), calling CQ on 80 or 40 will yield unlimited pileups of Europeans??????????????"

Of the thoughts that come quickly to mind, here are two:

1.  On an ordinary weeknight you are not competing with the loud stations, both W/VE and those in EU.

2.  The EU's are likely attracted to your K-zero call.  You might see your rate reduce as they learn that you are in Connecticut  :>).

73, Art K3KU

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