[CQ-Contest] IARU - Join Us

Zack Widup w9sz at prairienet.org
Sun Jun 17 19:40:44 EDT 2007

On Sun, 17 Jun 2007, Steve Harrison wrote:

> At 08:15 AM 6/17/2007 -0500, Zack Widup wrote:
>> What I would really like to see happen is the 40 meer band expanded down
>> to 6900 worldwide, and either move CW into the new 100 kHz letting the
>> digi stations move down to 7000, or let the digi stations have 6900-7000.
>> Will it happen?  Chat fance?
> All the radio manufacturers would be delighted; they'd get to sell
> thousands of new HF radios.
> All we who still use good ole radios with bandswitches would be mainly SOL
> and POed to high heaven  ;o\  ;o\  ;o\  There could be conversion articles
> on some.

I guess not everyone has a TS-440 or TS-850.  By clipping or switching a 
couple diodes I get full SW transmit capability. I only use it for the 60 
meter band on HF, which wasn't a ham band when the rig was made, but just 
in case we get more frequencies ... I'm ready.

> Why move the band DOWN: why not UPWARDS?? I.E.: Expand the phone band
> upwards so the diggers and Rattiers can move back up where they were.

I wanted to P.O. the pirate radio guys who operate on frequencies like 
6925, 6950, 6955 and 6975 khz.  :-)

> Neither will happen since the military and others still have allocations on
> both sides.
> Steve, K0XP

Like I said - chat fance, I guess.

73, Zack W9SZ

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