[CQ-Contest] IARU - Join Us

Hank Greeb n8xx at arrl.org
Mon Jun 18 21:14:08 EDT 2007

Yeah, when I was operating my 300 milliwatt crystal controlled rig 
during a recent QRP QSO party, a whole bunch of DXers started drooping 
their calls with high power on that very same frequency.   They weren't 
even calling anyone, just drapping their calls.  They were (apparently) 
listening down many KHz to a DXpedition of some sort, and didn't bother 
to listen to the QRPp ops who were inhabiting 7030± crystal tolerance.

We could apply this to contesters, DXers, or ragchewers.

72/73 de n8xx Hg  (Yet another Hank!  Holy Moley, the place is infested 
with Hanks)

Glenn VA3DX wrote:
> Gee I thought only K8's   " GENERALLY " were poor ops...
> How can you categorize a whole group of operators  just by your assumptions ???
> You could easily apply this to CW or SSB , depending on which contest is on that weekend.
> It doesnt bother me, I just join the contest , no matter what mode and have some fun.
> Glenn VA3DX
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] IARU - Join Us
>> And ..... RTTY ops generally (notice I said generally, not always or usually) don't listen aurally to a frequency - it's kinda like they don't see much on their little display and they just plop their little alternating frequencies that are 170 Hz apart and start calling.
>> Kinda frustrating when they get down below 7030, but then that's when it's time to go to 30, 18, or 12 meters!
>> 73    Hank    K8DD

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