[CQ-Contest] RTTY "Listening"

Shelby Summerville k4ww at arrl.net
Tue Jun 19 18:53:37 EDT 2007

sawyered at earthlink.net wrote: "One of these days, I am going to get on RTTY 
just to respond to these "idiots" and surprise the hell out of the when I 
say "get off the frequency.  QRL".  And then go back to my CW Contest."

You're certainly welcome to participate in any/all RTTY contest, however 
your reasoning just won't work! I've tried the same thing when CW operators 
interfere with me, operating RTTY, and they either can't copy, or choose to 
ignore? Regardless or mode, I can always find room to operate.

C'Ya, Shelby - K4WW 

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