[CQ-Contest] Feld Hell and Field Day Rules

Tim Goeppinger timgep at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 21 15:41:57 EDT 2007

There has been a little discussion about the use of Feld Hell on Field Day 
on the
Feld Hell Club reflector.  We would like some clarification on whether it 
as a normal digital QSO, or does it qualify for the non-traditional demo 
mode 100 pt bonus?

I know it won't apply to myself because I will be a 1D.  Just wondering for 
the stations
I contact.


Here are the rules

7.3.10. Non-Traditional Mode Demonstrations: A maximum of 300 bonus points 
(100 points for each demonstration up to three) for setting up a 
demonstration of a non-traditional mode of amateur radio communications. 
This includes modes such as APRS, ATV, and SSTV. Available to Classes A, B, 
and F. This bonus is not available for demonstration of a mode for which 
regular QSO credit is available. PSK31 is not eligible as a demonstration 
bonus as it is now in wide-spread use and is eligible for regular QSO 
credit. A complete portable packet system may be included as one of the 
demonstration modes. This system must include a temporary, portable node and 
must be completely separate from the existing packet infrastructure of your 
area. Simply setting up a packet station does not qualify as a demonstration 
mode. Demonstration modes must use the amateur radio spectrum at the 
point of the demonstration. Frequency bands, such as 10 GHz are bands, not modes of 
communications and do not qualify for the demonstration mode bonus. Each demonstration mode must be different - that is, you can not 
claim the bonus three times for doing the same demonstration mode 

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