[CQ-Contest] K3TUP - Seems some of us contesters are doing more than just contesting

Tom Hammond n0ss at embarqmail.com
Wed Jun 27 08:49:17 EDT 2007

Though not contest-related, I thought some of us might enjoy seeing 
these news items which include contester John Kanzuis (K3TUP) as one 
of the main subjects. Sorry if it's a dupe.

The actual article is on John's research into finding a possible cure 
for cancer.

Article:  http://www.wkyc.com/news/news_article.aspx?storyid=68227
   Video:  http://www.wkyc.com/video/player.aspx?aid=35660&bw=

Article:  http://www.wkyc.com/news/news_article.aspx?storyid=67742
   Video:  http://www.wkyc.com/video/player.aspx?aid=35221&bw=


Tom   N0SS

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