[CQ-Contest] Doug's famous Spot Remover FREE...but wait,

Robert Chudek - K0RC k0rc at pclink.com
Thu Mar 8 09:32:17 EST 2007

This looks plausible on the surface, but it introduces another problem. Without having the suffix, you effectively strip the ability of your contest software to differentiate among the 200 spotted DL stations as workable QSO points. You might as well work the contest the old fashioned way, unassisted.

73 de Bob - KØRC in MN


Message: 3
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2007 01:31:03 +0000 (GMT)
From: kr2q at optonline.net
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Doug's famous Spot Remover FREE...but wait,
there's more!
To: cq-contest at contesting.com
Message-ID: <e173eda490ca.45ef6757 at optonline.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Okay... I can't resist (forgive me).

During a contest (or all the time?), the spotting software should be changed 
so that only the PREFIX is accepted/transmitted.  That way, everybody would 
have to copy the call on their own.  NO errors in spotting, no CORRECTIONS needed.  

This way, you still don't have to find the MULT on your own (ashame), but you DO 
have to actually COPY THE CALL (cw and ssb) on your own.

I know...dream on.

de Doug KR2Q

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