[CQ-Contest] Remote Site Contesting Rules

Eric Hilding dx35 at hilding.com
Wed Mar 21 21:27:04 EST 2007

Jon, W4ZW, wrote:

> Remote operating is certainly improving our hobby.   Ham radio is much more
> than contesting, it's about getting guys on the air.  Our club has set up a
> modest 100w remote HF station just outside the city with antennas on a 200'
> tower.  It's widely used by our senior citizen hams who otherwise couldn't
> operate HF, either because of CC&R restrictions or health problems.  We
> still need to nurture this setup on a regular basis due to computer crashes,
> operator errors, power problems, antenna problems, etc etc.  It is a high
> maintenance endeavor but one with many advantages.  This station enjoys very
> active use and has certainly improved the hobby here.

That is absolutely wonderful, and I'm sure the remote station users appreciate all the hard work done to provide and maintain this great opportunity to operate HF.

Kudos to everyone in your club involved in providing this service to your fellow hams.  Hopefully, others will take note and follow suit in their own clubs.

What a great testimony to the amateur radio community.  You should send this info to QST, CQ & other publications.



Rick, K6VVA

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