[CQ-Contest] CW is over-rated

Jukka Klemola jukka.klemola at elisanet.fi
Wed Mar 28 23:49:47 EST 2007

>I really suffered with WPX SSB splatters in poor condx thinking of CW &
>RTTY elegance and simplicity.
>OC Jukka, OH6LI made a long comment of my above statement.  I am well
>that speech is the most natural form of human communication.
>73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU in poetic mood

SSB simply is difficult.
One cannot master SSB only based on fact everybody get good grade from
their English teacher.
It takes a lot from SSB operators to break native tongue barriers and
master QSOs to anywhere. 
Ways to speak, pronounce, hear and understand are different, they are

After one learns CW .. it is a language.
It is so much easier to get contacts with correct logging all around the

I know people who can speak English rather well to my taste.
But they can CW at 15 WPM.
They can work through a contest QSO after they listen to a station for a
few moments before they answer the 32WPM CQ.

There are hams that are much more shy to switch to SSB.
They rely on the more simple CW.

I had a side discussion with Mario about all this.
Our chat outcome is RTTY is more elegant as we have the PCs now.

The bottom line:
It is good people go and have QSOs.
It seems to mo there is likely something they enjoy.
Enjoy! Have Fun!

Jukka OH6LI

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