[CQ-Contest] cut #

kr2q at optonline.net kr2q at optonline.net
Wed May 30 08:24:17 EDT 2007

Cut numbers are fun.

Everybody knows and uses T (Ø) and N (9).

For variety, some use "O" for Ø...it is a welcome rhythm change on receive (for me) and
still shorter than 5 "dahs"

A (1) is gaining in usage and I hope in acceptance.  It is only logical that if you use N that 
you would also use A.

E (5) I think is still reserved for use among good cw ops that know the other op's 
capability.  I would never send E (5) to 95% of the guys I work (maybe 98%).  If I hear a 
top op, using E is both more efficient and (but mostly) more fun!

Waiting for BOH to remind us of enne.  I'm sure he can tell us all how many minutes (hours) 
it saved him over the course of X,000 qso's.  And he is for real in that calculation!

de Doug KR2Q

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