[CQ-Contest] cut #

Mark Beckwith n5ot at n5ot.com
Wed May 30 09:53:58 EDT 2007

> Waiting for BOH to remind us of enne.  I'm sure he can
> tell us all how many minutes (hours) it saved him over
> the course of X,000 qso's.

Let's not be foolish enough to think that saved time is proportionate to 
more contacts.  You might make some more contacts during that saved time. 
You might also send more unanswered CQs.  Cut numbers also cause more 
requests for repeats.  The answer lies someplace in the middle and is much 
more difficult to calculate!  For an inept operator it could turn out to be 
a negative number :)

I know Doug and Jose are not foolish, they're wise old farts, but you young 
good looking guys don't swallow this hook, line and sinker without thinking 
about it first.

Mark, N5OT

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