[CQ-Contest] Cut numbers

John Geiger n5ten at yahoo.com
Wed May 30 10:02:36 EDT 2007

--- Steve Harrison <k0xp at dandy.net> wrote:

> Still, the use of cut numbers BEYOND WITHIN SIGNAL
> REPORTS has not become
> very popular amongst very many NA contest ops; and
> so for that reason, they
> mainly remain unknown and a mystery to the
> "average-Joe" North American ham
> operator, especially Americans  ;o(((((((

It seems that for NA ops, limited use of cut numbers
works well.  Using a T for leading zeros seems to work
pretty well, and using O for a middle zero in the
serial number does ok most of the time. Using A for 1
confuses many of the ops.  N for 9 usually works due
to the use of it in RST, but it seems to work best if
you are using it only for the last digit of a serial
number.  Anything beyond T, N and O will confuse
almost all ops.  I can handle A also, but anything
else would confuse me.

73s John W5TD

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